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Tyref continuously works to improve and optimize the environmental impact of its manufactured products and production processes.
  • Tyref installed a photovoltaic solar system of 400 Mwh in February 2023 - that produces 34% of the Tyref yearly energy consumption.
  • We do not use fuels of any kind, no gas, no gasoline, no oil, neither for heating nor for the manufacturing process.
  • All of the external sourced energy is electric and 42% of it comes from sustainable and environmentally friendly hydroelectric power.
  • The Zero solvent process in our production reduces the impact on the CO2 footprint to a minimum

Summary of total energy consumption:

Total energy used @ Tyref: 1.600 Mwh/year
34% coming from Tyref photovoltaic system: approx. 440 Mwh/year 
5% coming from Tyref Turbo wind system: approx. 80 Mwh/year
61% buying energy only electric power: approx. 976 Mwh/year (and 42% of this is from hydroelectric power 410 Mwh/year)

Total energy consumption: 1.600 Mwh/year
Total green sustainable energy: 930 Mwh/year = 58%